Village of Reeseville

Tax & Garbage Collection Information

Weather in Reeseville

December 16, 2021

Tax & Garbage Collection Information

Tax bills were mailed out today, December 16th. The Clerk-Treasurer will have tax collection hours at 214 Firehouse Dr., beginning Monday, December 27th – Monday, January 31st. Office hours will be Monday-Friday 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m during those dates.
Payments can be made online by going to or by using the drop box located in front of Village Hall 206 S. Main St. Be sure to include a self addressed stamped envelope if you would like a receipt.
The 2022 Garbage & Recycling calendar is now available. I’d like to extend an apology. Hardcopies of the calendar were supposed to go out with the tax bills and unfortunately, they were forgotten. Copies will be made available at the post office, BP and the Clerk-Treasurer’s office.
To request a digital copy of the calendar, please email