Village of Reeseville

September 2019 Chief’s Corner

Weather in Reeseville

September 2, 2019

September 2019 Chief’s Corner

Just like that summer is over and fall is just around the corner. The first day of fall is Monday, September 23, 2019. This also means kids are going back to school. They will be walking to and from school, and waiting by the roads for the school buses to pick them up. So please keep this in mind when traveling on the roadways. Allow extra time during bus route/school hours to get to your destination. Please follow the rules of the road and give the buses space to pick up and drop off our children safely, watch for their flashing lights and stop signs.

On Wednesday 9-11-19 the Juneau Fire Department will be hosting the 9/11 silent parade starting at 8pm to remember all the lives lost on that day. Emergency vehicles go through the parade route with just their emergency lights on in silence along with many members marching. Citizens are encouraged to line the parade route holding candles and American Flags in honor of those that paid the ultimate sacrifice on 9-11-01. After the parade the public is invited to the Juneau Fire Dept for sandwiches, snacks, cake, and refreshments. If you have never attended this parade, I sincerely urge you to do so. Words cannot describe the thoughts and emotions you will feel as this parade takes place. It is an experience everyone should be a part of at least once, including children.


The Next BINGO will be held September 8, 2019. The Green Bay Packers do not play this day so come on down for some BINGO fun. Doors will open at 4:00pm and BINGO starts at 5:30pm sharp. As always food and refreshments will be available for purchase from our very own Reeseville Community Center and the bar will be open. Come get some of Dave’s homemade caramel corn it will never disappoint. Progressive Jackpot is up to $1552.00 and we will call 52 balls. Hope to see you all there!

Corn Roast

Personal thanks to all that attended our annual free sweet corn roast. A great time was had by all that attended and we love hearing the positive feedback from our small community. A lot of work goes into planning, prepping, hosting, and cleaning up after this event. If it weren’t for my very dedicated members and the volunteers of our community this event would not be possible. The generosity of all our sponsors and all the donations absolutely amazes me and we the Reeseville Fire Department appreciate all of your support.

Corn Roast winners are as follows

$500.00 Mike Pocius

1/2 hog Herb Lerner

1/2 hog Breanna Haynes

$100.00 Tim Langer

$75.00 Dan Deiis

$50.00 Carol Woldt

$25.00 Bob Neitzel

$25.00 Mark Holl

$25.00 Tom Berkevich

$25.00 John Schmitt

Congratulations to all the winners and thanks again for your support.

Just a reminder our annual pancake breakfast will be coming up on Oct. 13, 2019 at the Reeseville Community Center.

September Holidays

9-2-19 Happy Labor Day from the Reeseville Fire Department

Calls for August

8-2-19 Assist EMS (Reeseville Call)

8-3-19 Multi-vehicle Crash (Reeseville Call)

8-3-19 Assist EMS (Reeseville Call)

8-9-19 Structure Fire (Mutual Aid to Waterloo)

8-21-19 Fire Alarm (Reeseville Call)

8-25-19 CO Alarm (Reeseville Call)

For those of you that are unaware the Clyman, Lowell, and Reeseville fire departments are all on automatic aid with each other. Currently known by many as the CLR Group. What that means is when any one of the 3 departments receive a message from dispatch for an emergency all 3 department are paged/called immediately. This has been very beneficial to all 3 departments due to the lack of membership and people willing to volunteer their time to help others. We thank the members of the Clyman and Lowell fire departments for all the help they have provided over the last five plus years we have been utilizing auto aid. We also welcome them with open arms moving forward to help us keep EVERYONE safe. Another major factor that enables ALL area fire departments to do their job is called mutual aid. What that is, is when a particular fire department notices the particular emergency is too big for them to handle on their own due to staffing/equipment or just the overall size or nature of the emergency the commanding officer will request another neighboring or multiple neighboring departments to assist with the incident. We also thank and depend greatly on all our mutual aid departments and know they depend on us the same.

Firefighter Joke of the Month

A woman lives in an apartment with three neighbors on her floor

One night while taking a shower, the doorbell rings.

She puts on a towel, gets out, and looks through the door’s peephole.

It’s her neighbor who’s a fireman. She opens the door.

“Hey, just wanted to let you know I put out my first fire!” he exclaims.

“Congratulations!” She says, and closes the door. She gets back in the shower.

Doorbell rings again. Annoyed, she gets out with a towel and looks through the peephole.

It’s her other neighbor who’s a policeman. She opens the door.

“Just wanted to let you know I arrested my first guy!” he says.

“Congratulations.” She mutters, closing the door.

Getting back into the shower a 3rd time, the doorbell rings again.

Going back and looking through the peephole, she sees it’s her neighbor who’s blind.

Not bothering to wear a towel, she answers the door.

“Hey, just wanted to let you know I got my eyesight back!” he says.

Nic Gay

Reeseville Fire Chief

(920) 210-2510

Reeseville Fire Department on Facebook

